Workshop for Technology Transfer of Yellow Flag Iris Control Techniques

The Nature Trust of British Columbia
The Nature Trust of British Columbia is the oldest and largest provincial land trust in BC. Since 1971, The Nature Trust along with partners has invested more than $95 million to secure over 70,000 hectares (175,000 acres) of land. NTBC owns 2700 hectares of habitat and holds livestock grazing licenses over another 36,000 hectares in the South Okanagan Similkameen area. Management of these lands are critically important, and include activities such as removing invasive plants, forest thinning, prescribed burning, and other initiatives. Partnership is key to the Nature Trust’s success.

Yellow flag iris is one of BC’ problematic aquatic invasive species. It occurs in shallow water along the riparian edges of streams, marshes and lakes, and once established, is known to negatively impact habitat for native species. Management and removal of yellow flag iris is challenging because of its persistence, and proximity to water bodies.
This project will engage land managers and volunteer organizations and train key individuals on the proper and effective methods to control yellow flag iris, including the use of physical barriers. This workshop will be conducted in the South Okanagan on The Nature Trust of BC property along the eastern shore of Vaseux Lake.