Vaseux Lake Siltation Issue

Vaseux Lake Stewardship Association

The Vaseux Lake Stewardship Association started in 2016 as a homeowners’ association. The association now has a mission to improve, preserve and protect Vaseux Lake.

The channelization and creation of dams on the Okanagan River took place in the 1950’s from Okanagan Lake to Osoyoos Lake. The river has been significantly modified through irrigation and flood control dams, channelization, river flow containment dykes, riparian habitat loss, water extraction and urban development.

Vaseux Lake was also altered as a result of the channelization. The purpose of this project is to assess the effect of channelization and damming on the accumulation of sedimentation at the north end of Vaseux Lake and to determine what remedial steps can be taken to alleviate this. A water management expert will explore various mitigation strategies to reduce sedimentation of Vaseux and whether the ecosystem can be brought into a more natural state.

This project is a one-year request. Approved by Regional District Okanagan Similkameen Board and $30,500 was allocated from the South Okanagan Conservation Fund in 2021. The project is expected to complete by January 31, 2022.