Lot 16, Bourguiba Spring Acquisition
Southern Interior Land Trust
The Southern Interior Land Trust (SILT) has, for over 30 years, worked to secure those gems and jewels of fish and wildlife habitat that act as “stepping-stones” for animal movement between larger conservation areas. SILT owns four conservation properties and has contributed to the purchase of many more. Natural shorelines, with their ribbon of native trees, shrubs, grasses, and herbs benefit wildlife; protect properties from flood and erosion; and support ecological processes essential to clean, drinkable, swimmable, fishable water. With the current extent of lakeshore modification and development in the South Okanagan, the ecological function of our shorelines is clearly threatened.
SILT has acquired Lot 16 for conservation in perpetuity. Lot 16 is a low-elevation shrub-steppe and riparian habitat and wildlife movement corridor that contains the source spring of Bourguiba Creek, a permanently flowing stream in the otherwise dry Osoyoos landscape. Multiple conservation initiatives will be advanced, e.g., bighorn sheep habitat securement; habitat protection for recovery of many species-at-risk; maintenance of ungulate winter and spring range; and increased security for wildlife movement and ecosystem connectivity within an area likely to be further developed for higher density residential use.
“This is a beautiful piece of natural Okanagan landscape, where the aroma of sage and pinesap remind me of my childhood growing up in this valley,” said Judie Steeves, president of the Southern Interior Land Trust.
This project is a land acquisition. Approved by Regional District Okanagan Similkameen Board and $101,250 was allocated from the South Okanagan Conservation Fund in 2022. The land was purchased in 2022.