In August 2017, the RDOS Board approved membership for the volunteer Technical Advisory Committee to ensure that proposals to the South Okanagan Conservation Fund receive an expert technical review based on fair assessment of merit and project effectiveness, providing a high level of accountability and recommendation of technically appropriate proposals to the RDOS Board of Directors.

In response to advertisements in local newspapers and via social media, 13 candidates submitted resumes for the 7 positions.  Selecting volunteers for this committee proved to be an extremely challenging and competitive process; a decision made very difficult by the many impressive applications received. The Committee was finalized with seven candidates representing a balance of academic, technical and practical experience, including over 170 years of combined experience, 13 post secondary degrees/diplomas and 5 are members of professional associations. The newly appointed Committee met in November to review applications and will be providing recommendations to the RDOS Board in early December. A brief biography of the Committee members can be found here.

The Regional District of Okanagan- Similkameen (RDOS) is seeking qualified individuals to volunteer as members for the newly established South Okanagan Conservation Fund Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).

The South Okanagan Conservation Fund is in support of undertaking and administering activities, projects and works that include, but are not limited to, water, environment, wildlife, land and habitat conservation efforts to protect natural areas within participating areas of the South Okanagan which includes Electoral Areas A, C, D, E and F of the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen, along with the District of Summerland, Town of Oliver and City of Penticton.

Committee members will be appointed by the RDOS Board of Directors, based on qualifications, expertise and experience.  The TAC’s role is to provide sound, expert, technical review of annual project proposals and provide recommendation to the RDOS.  The TAC is not a decision making body.

Candidates for membership must possess expertise in the following areas:

  • Management, restoration and enhancement of fish and wildlife habitat, including sensitive terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems;
  • Native fish and wildlife conservation including species at risk;
  • Land and natural resource management, environmental studies, environmental science, hydrology, hydrobiology, ecology, or conservation biology.

Prospective committee members will have the following qualifications:

  • Practical knowledge of and experience in the specific technical areas;
  • Understanding of conservation practices and approaches including stewardship, outreach, traditional ecological knowledge, acquisitions and securement;
  • Practical knowledge of the non-profit and society sector;
  • Strong ethical standards and personal integrity;
  • Ability and willingness to address issues in a non-partisan manner, while considering the opinion of others and working as a team member;
  • Comforts with open dialogue and agreement through consensus;
  • Willingness to sign, and adhere to the Conflict of Interest Guidelines and Confidentiality agreement;
  • Willingness and ability to attend and participate actively in Committee meetings and/or field tours.


Technical Advisory Committee members may serve a maximum of three years, with some members serving one or two year terms initially to ensure membership continuity.

If you are interested in serving on this committee, please submit your resume by July 7, 2017 at 4:30pm to:

  • Christy Malden, Manager of Legislative Services
    101 Martin Street
    Penticton, BC V2A 5J9Email:
    Direct line: 250.490.4146

More information on the South Okanagan Conservation Fund Terms of Reference, including the TAC Terms of Reference and the Conflict of Interest Guidelines, can be found here.  Visit South Okanagan-Similkameen Conservation Program website for further information.

The South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP) is pleased to announce that after a successful public assent process in December of 2016, the Regional District Okanagan Similkameen (RDOS)  has approved an Environmental Conservation Service bylaw that is the basis for establishing the South Okanagan Conservation Fund. With public opposition less than 1% the RDOS moved to adopted the bylaw, which will requisition up to a maximum of $450,000 each year towards conservation efforts to protect natural areas within the participating areas of Summerland, Penticton, Oliver and RDOS Electoral areas A, C D E and F.

The South Okanagan Conservation Fund is held and overseen by the RDOS in a dedicated account earmarked for conservation only. Community groups and organizations apply to the Conservation Fund to support their environmental conservation projects. Local government decision makers make the final decisions related to expenditures.

SOSCP has been engaged to assist with the administration of the granting process, and a committee of technical experts with clearly established criteria will also help ensure that projects proposed are technically sound, and contribute to important conservation goals.

The RDOS was recognized with an award of excellence for establishing the South Okanagan Conservation Fund, by a working group of local governments from across BC and the BC Ministry of Environment that have been collaborating to enhance the protection of species and habitats at risk.

This is the first year the award has been offered to acknowledge the efforts of local governments in protecting biodiversity. For their role in fulfilling that mandate, SOSCP Program Manager Bryn White did not hesitate to nominate the RDOS.

SOSCP presented the award on behalf of the working group to the RDOS Board at their February 16th Board meeting.

“We are thrilled the RDOS Board has deservedly won the very first SEAR-LGWG Award,” says White. “The RDOS Board and staff has shown great leadership with the establishment of the South Okanagan Conservation Fund. This innovative Fund will protect species and ecosystems for generations to come. It also will work regionally across electoral area and municipal borders, engaging all citizens of the South Okanagan to come together to protect the wonderful region in which we live, work and raise our families. Their vision will leave a significant legacy for nature and a positive future for our communities.”

From right to left: RDOS Board Chair Karla Kozakevich, SOSCP Program Manager Bryn White, and SOSCP Chair and Nature Trust of BC Okanagan Land Coordinator Nick Burdock.